
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Put Me in the Zoo

Oh wait, I'm already here.

In the last week we have acquired two new pets. One is cute and fuzzy and soft, doesn't bark, and loves to cuddle. His name is Corbin. He is a dwarf something-or-other rabbit, and is so darn cute!

Meet Corbin.

Isn't he adorable??? I'm a bunny person, so I'm kind of partial to his cuteness.

Our other new pet is named Phoenix, after our former home. He is, well, not cute. He is scaly, squiggly, slithery, and most definitely not cuddly. He is red and orange (like a Phoenix sunset) and he eats mice. Little, hairless pink shrively mice.

Meet Phoenix.

Phoenix is a corn snake. Our children were first introduced to corn snakes at a friend's house, and we all were quite taken with them. They can grow to be 4 to 6 feet in length, but we're hoping this little guy stays smaller than that. Phoenix is 2 months old (same as Corbin!) and Brad paid for him with his own money, aquarium and all. He has been saving for nearly a year.

Add these two to our one mini schnauzer, Ivy...

And three fish (David, Lenny and Benny)....

And one visiting chihuahua, the "daughter" of my mother-in-law....

I do believe our pet quiver is full, thank you. We now own one more pet than we have children.

Yes, we've lost our minds. Thanks for asking.


sidewalk driver said...

Love your pets! Wait, all except the one that eats mice. My son wants a pet that eats things like that. I have told him that his dad has to agree to deal with it in his entirety. I won't do anything. I can barely tolerate the idea of having something like that in the house.
My sis has two rabbits. They are house rabbits--live loose in the house and are trained to a litter box. They are also huge!
Corbin looks really cute and soft! Congratulations!

Jennie said...

I should note that those bulges in the snake...yeah, those are the mice. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.