Hello, out there!
2011 is in full swing. It is the first week of March, and we can actually see the end of the school year approaching. So hard to believe-this school year has flown by.
Quick update on the kids:
Brad is in 9th grade and is currently enrolled in Electronic High School, an online high school for Utah students who want to either work entirely from home or who want to work ahead or make up credit. He is a full-time student, so all of his classes are through EHS. He is taking Algebra 2, English, Spanish, Earth Science, World Civilizations and Financial Literacy. His school days are usually about 8 hours long, but his grades reflect his hard work. He has a 3.8 grade point average! We just finished the registration process for him to attend NUAMES next year (Northern Utah Academy for Math, Science and Engineering) which is an early college high school. He is so excited! There are only a handful of these schools across the nation, and by the grace of God one of them is in our backyard! We are still working on his schedule for next year, but he will have at least 2 concurrent enrollment classes through Weber State University. College credit, paid for by UT, at age 15. Who would have thunk it? :) This picture was taken at Red Lobster on Brad's 15th birthday. Sorry about the red eyes, forgot to edit before I posted!

Lindsay is in 7th grade and is homeschooling. She is a woman of many talents! Her most current interest is writing adventure stories and illustrating them. She could definitely have a career in writing if she wished. Her stories are so well-written! So now I will begin pouring over curriculum choices for next year that would encourage her in this area. She is also very good at science, but alas, unlike her momma, this is not her greatest interest. I do believe she tolerates the rest of her subjects such as history and math. However, if I were to release this child on her own, she would spend her days buried in books and writing books of her own. I pray she continues in this, she has some real, God-given talent. In November she got braces and last week the orthodontist surprised us with head gear. (I can't help but see Anthony Michael Hall in Sixteen Candles every time I help her put it on) Fortunately, she only has to wear it at night. She is NOT a fan. :) In this photo she is showing off her science assignment...she made an orb web.
Nathan is in 6th grade at LCA. He is still our consummate student...the "do-it-all" kind of guy. He got a 4.0 last quarter! (6th grade is a middle school grade) The basketball season recently ended and chomping at its heels was the baseball season. Nathan is a gem. We are so thankful for his strong character, and his willingness to make good choices when others around him are not. He works hard, takes his responsibilities seriously, but is still a goofball and so much fun. He is officially my height, which he thoroughly enjoys. And, inevitably, in the next month or so I'm sure he'll be taller than I am. After all, he needs to grow into those feet! Size 9 in men's. Really?!?! Yep. This photo was taken after the Awana Grand Prix. He designed and painted his own car.
Kaylee is homeschooling and is in the 3rd grade. Having her dear friend Andrea here with us for homeschooling the last 2 years has been wonderful, and has met her social needs. :) However, the times, they are a-changin'. Andrea moved recently, and it is no longer easy for her mom to bring her to us. Fortunately, she is going to finish out the school year with us. We spent a lot of time praying and contemplating choices for next year, and have decided to send both Kaylee and Hannah to a charter school that opened not too far from us last year. We love the curriculum, and we know many families whose children attend there. Kaylee is our social butterfly, and she is definitely ready to spread her wings. The school also has a pull-out Bible Institute, which I will be helping with 2 or 3 times a week. Lindsay will also help out, and we are excited to do it together. This picture was taken at her 9th birthday party, which was an ice skating and sleepover party.

Hannah is also homeschooling and is in the 1st grade. It was a tumultuous decision for us to send her to school next year, what with all of her health and shyness issues. Her placement there was by far the most prayed over decision we've made in recent parenting years. She has been attached to my hip for 7 years (for better or worse!) and it will be hard to let my baby go. However, we do feel this is where God is leading our family. Her little bff is also going to be attending that school with her, so we are thankful she's got somebody there to tell the teacher when Hannah has to go potty, because it could be a good 3 months before Hannah will utter a word to her teacher. (She never did say a word to her preschool teacher, the entire year in her class...sigh!) I will be at the school at least twice a week with the Bible Institute, and then I will also help out in her classroom once a week. So, it is working out well for me to stay involved and still let Hannah's little wings spread, even if it's just a bit. This picture was taken on her 7th birthday. My little pixie is growing up! :)
So that's the latest with the kids. I love being a mom. It's not always easy, that's for sure. But I can say, with all honesty, that this has been the most amazing ride. Watching them grow physically, mentally, and spiritually is the greatest gift. I so enjoy my teenagers. The only part of raising teenagers so far that has been difficult is knowing this is their last stretch until adulthood. Keeping with the butterfly analogy, I do believe that will be the most difficult part of parenting...watching them fly away. And it is coming at me too, too fast.